What is healing to you?
Alternative healing offers a holistic approach to wellness, integrating body, mind, and spirit for a more balanced life. By encouraging practices such as acupuncture, herbal medicine, and mindfulness, we can empower individuals to take charge of their health and explore natural remedies that often complement conventional treatments. Promoting alternative healing not only raises awareness of these diverse modalities but also fosters a community where people feel supported in their wellness journeys, paving the way for a more personalized and compassionate healthcare experience. Emphasizing education and accessibility can help demystify these practices, inviting more individuals to embrace a broader spectrum of healing options.
Here art trip with art inc. we are curious about the healing nature of creativity, Altered States of CONSCIOUSNESS, and alternative medications. Through the use of colloborative and alternatives methods, TWA Inc. aims to learn, understand, and edicate the healing potential Of the alterantives service to increase overall healing, welness, mental health, and quality of life.
Expressive Therapies give evidence to the healing nature that the arts can have on various populations with copious number of studies that appear to be valid and reliable (Jacobs-Pinson, E., .2024). Transcendental states have been correlated with creativity from studies which appear to be both valid and reliable too (Transcendental Meditation, 2024). While transcendental meditation can take years to master, various alternative medications and near-death experiences have been studied and found that people can instantaneously reach a transcendental state. Some studies have found various ways to enter transcendental states, such as meditation and alternative medicine (Agnieszka, et, al., 2024). With altered states of consciousness, such as transcendental states, being correlated with creativity, we look to explore the healing nature of entering an altered states of consciousness in coordination with the use various art mediums to access the subconscious and help individuals express implicit memory with arts and recreational related therapies. Through the use of alternative medicine, we her at TWA Inc. aim to explore and research the correlation between creativity and altered states of consciousness as it relates to wellness, health, and an overall increase in quality of life. The research we aim to conduct is geared towards having a better understanding of collaborative and alternative methods in relation to healing. Research has shown an increase in neurological connections through small doses of psilocybin, which could promote and increase creativity (Hathaway, 2021). Using trauma as an example, the area of the brain responsible for speech production and articulation, shows decreased electrical activity during a traumatic event, which can damage this area of the brain rendering an individual’s ability to verbalize their traumatic experience (Schwartz, 2018). Current research on psilocybin relies heavily on psychotherapy for healing, one example being a study for depression (Goodwin, et al., 2024). It seems counterproductive to utilize alternative medications but not consider alternative therapies as a means to express the felt sense and/or experience. Due to current legalities and legislation, TWA Inc. is mainly focusing on veterans with medical cannabis cards in Massachusetts, but would like to expand research, understanding, and education of collaborative and alternative medications over time. Trip with Art stands for Teaching and Research Information on Psychedelics with Arts Related Therapies. In the context of the non-profit Psychedelics is defined as any psycho-active substance that is consumed to increase transcendental states, change perception, and increase altered states of consciousness, which can be used in conjunction with other forms of recreational and arts-related therapies to promote wellness and healing. By donating to our non-profit, you can help contribute to a future in which healing and wellness to foster inclusive options outside of Westernized pharmaceuticals and traditional psychotherapy.
Jacob-Pinson, E., 2024. 15+ Art Therapy Effectiveness Statistics and Their Significance for Mental Health. Crown Counseling. Retrieved from: 15+ Art Therapy Effectiveness Statistics (Facts and Results) (crowncounseling.com)
Transcendental Meditation, 2024. Transcendental Meditation for Focus and Creativity. Maharishi Foundation and GMDO. Retrieved from: Transcendental Meditation for Focus and Creativity - TM Australia
Agnieszka, S., Puspanathan, P., Downey,L., and Liknaitzky, P., 2024. "Producing Altered States of Consciousness, Reducing Substance Misuse: A Review of Psychedelic-Assisted Psychotherapy, Transcendental Meditation and Hypnotherapy" Psychoactives 3, no. 2: 137-166. https://doi.org/10.3390/psychoactives3020010
Hathaway, B., 2021. Psychedelic spurs growth of neural connections lost in depression. Yale News. Retrieved from: Psychedelic spurs growth of neural connections lost in depression | YaleNews
Schwartz, A., 2018. The Neurobiology of Traumatic Memory. Center for Resilience Informed Therapy. Retrieved from: The Neurobiology of Traumatic Memory | Dr. Arielle Schwartz (drarielleschwartz.com)
Goodwin, G., Malievskaia, E., Fonzo, G., & Nemeroff, B. (2024). Must Psilocybin Always “Assist Psychotherapy” American Journal of Psychiatry, 181(1), 20–25. https://doi.org/10.1176/appi.ajp.20221043
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